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Chief Exec's blog


17 Jan 11

The year of the accountant

Taking accounting excellence to the world
11 Nov 10

The first global profession?

Challenges of globalisation must prompt us to raise the bar
15 Sep 10

Rebuilding Confidence, Leading Change

This year's CA conference was a feast for the mind and soul
2 Sep 10

Financial reporting debate gets a new lease of life

IASB pushes for greater transparency on accounting of leases
18 Jun 10

Certainty in ‘the age of austerity’

If you get the chance to read the coalition programme for the newly elected UK government, take it. It is a concise and clear explanation of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat programme for government
23 Mar 10

A bad idea disguised as a business benefit

All is not as it seems in an EU move to exempt the smallest companies from filing annual accounts, finds ICAS chief executive Anton Colella
22 Jan 10

Why a governance code for auditors is a good thing

But partners need to practise what they preach to their listed company clients
14 Dec 09

Accountability - or a recipe for instability?

Should annual re-elections be held for the chairmen or entire boards of listed companies, asks ICAS chief executive Anton Colella
29 Oct 09

Reporting a sustainable future

Expressing sympathy for politicians is undoubtedly a lonely pastime but I do not envy the current dilemma faced by government
29 Sep 09

There’s no avoiding this debate on tax

Is tax avoidance “morally wrong”? Some leading UK politicians have recently been quoted as saying it is. It is clear that the Pre-Budget Report will seek to come down hard on some schemes and demand greater disclosure
25 Aug 09

A grim time for graduates

At this time of year, many graduates take their first steps on the career ladder. For many, it’s going to be very tough
3 Aug 09

It’s good to talk

ICAS has given its unambiguous feedback to HMRC over its 'Working with Tax Agents' document
10 Jun 09

Crunch time for international standards

The accountancy profession's international standards setter is under pressure from national interests
14 Apr 09

Corporate redemption

Maybe it’s because it’s Easter that my thoughts turn to the concepts of forgiveness and redemption...
5 Mar 09

Is €1,169 too big a price to pay for transparency?

A European Commission plan to allow member states the option of allowing “micro-entities” – effectively companies with a turnover of less than €1m (about £923,300) – to be removed from the accounting requirements of EU law is a concern
21 Jan 09

Audit expectations

Since when were auditors also expected to be fortune tellers?
8 Dec 08

Would more time in the classroom improve the boardroom?

Very interesting conference last Friday. ICAS, supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers, brought together a panel of leading CAs to discuss the main corporate governance issues that have been thrown up by the recent problems in financial markets
14 Oct 08

A fair fight

Fair value accounting is in the crosshairs of criticism from lawmakers in the US and Europe. The proponents of removing fair value argue that it has fuelled the economic crisis. ICAS does not share that view – we strongly believe such a move would represent a move to conceal the truth. On that basis, I thought you would like to see a letter which I have sent to the Prime Minister, the Business Secretary, the leader of the Opposition and the EU Commissioner for Internal Markets and Services
29 Sep 08

Healing the markets

To use an analogy, I believe that accounting professionals can be seen as nurses to the markets – ensuring that strong medicine is given to cure the illness of over complex products and over valued stocks. Yes – that has led to writedowns. Yes – these have not been popular with investors or management. But what was the alternative? A situation similar to Japan in the 1990s, where the financial sector was sleepwalking for the best part of a decade and the economy suffered accordingly?
25 Aug 08

Making sense of the future

An unparalleled line up of speakers will be at the CA Conference at Gleneagles next week to help us make sense of the current economy, and look at what the future holds
28 Jul 08

Treading a fine line on non-executive directors

After a very enjoyable summer break, I arrived back last week to the usual crammed inbox and a mountainous pile of correspondence. Near the top of the pile was the Joint Disciplinary Scheme’s (JDS) report on its investigation into Lord Wakeham’s role in the collapse of Enron
16 Jun 08

Critical friends or worthless allies?

I continue to hear excellent feedback about ‘Avoiding the Pitfalls’, free guidance issued by ICAS for private companies
13 Jun 08

Back to school

As a former teacher, it was a huge pleasure to step back into the classroom last week as we launched, together with Glasgow City Council and Scottish Borders Council, Debt Can Be Dangerous
22 May 08

The uncertain certainty

The old chestnut that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes should not be uttered in the company of any CA. Unless of course, you are spoiling for an argument
12 May 08

Ethics man

Ethical behaviour should run through a company like the lettering in a stick of rock. All the more reason to pay attention to Dr David Molyneaux's new publication, What do you do now?
29 Apr 08

Investing in the future

Helping small and medium-sized firms 'grow their own' CAs
22 Apr 08

Thinking ain’t what it used to be

Some thoughts on what we know as "thought leadership"
8 Apr 08

A fitting tribute

I wasn’t lucky enough to work with Aileen Beattie, former Technical Director at ICAS, but her legacy of integrity, intelligence and decency will not be forgotten by the many friends she left here at ICAS and throughout the profession
31 Mar 08

I look forward to hearing from you!

Wherever the job takes me, I'll be in touch – and your comments are always welcome
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