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Editor's blog

Read CA Mag editor Rob Outram's online diary

The cap didn’t fit | Last updated 25 Nov 10

Theresa May’s change of heart on immigration is good news for accountancy firms

No prospect of consensus over austerity programme | Last updated 26 Oct 10

Almost a week of argument over George Osborne’s spending review and the £81bn cuts has failed to settle the three big questions. Is the austerity programme fair? Will it work? And is it really necessary?

Avoidance? Politicians are avoiding the real issue | Last updated 6 Oct 10

Just in case we thought the partners in the Coalition Government were getting too cosy, their different stances on tax at their respective party conferences showed that their rhetoric, at least, is different

Chief Exec's blog

Read ICAS chief executive Anton Colella's blog

The first global profession? | Last updated 11 Nov 10

Challenges of globalisation must prompt us to raise the bar

Rebuilding Confidence, Leading Change | Last updated 15 Sep 10

This year's CA conference was a feast for the mind and soul

Financial reporting debate gets a new lease of life | Last updated 2 Sep 10

IASB pushes for greater transparency on accounting of leases

Global CA

Blogs from ICAS members around the world

Connections | Last updated 29 Jul 10

“It’s a small world.” Our intrepid CA in Luxembourg considers the inscrutable connections which link him to a cadre of Renaissance geniuses, via the Garche Koeking chess club

Accountancy - Colombian style | Last updated 26 Apr 10

Ernst & Young's Conor Campbell in Bogotá looks at the development of accounting standards in the South American country

It’s Colombia, not Columbia! | Last updated 8 Apr 10

There are CAs in almost every major city in the world. Here, Conor Campbell explains how he ended up based in Bogotá, Colombia


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