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Reasons to subscribe

CA Magazine, the award winning business publication, is essential reading for leaders in Finance and Management.

What's in CA Magazine?

Each month CA Magazine keeps the business community up to date with informative articles covering all areas of finance and business. CA Magazine has many special reports and regular features covering topics such as: Management, Strategy, Finance and Funding issues; the latest trends in business practice; and articles on Human Resources and IT.

With CA Magazine you can expect “heavyweight” articles that come off the fence and spark debate; regular sections and special features written by seasoned journalists / writers who are experts in their particular fields; and detailed technical coverage. The design of the magazine helps you in navigating the magazine quickly and effectively.

CA Magazine has an excellent recruitment section featuring the latest positions in the UK and Overseas.

To be informed read CA Magazine.

CA Magazine subscription details:

UK Subscribers £45
Overseas Subscribers £65
UK Students £20
Overseas Students £30
Back Issues (subject to availability);
discounts available for bulk orders.
£5 each
CA Magazine 12-issue binder £15.50 inc. VAT

Please direct any subscription enquiries to:
Heather Davies
