CA Magazine
Every article from your latest print edition of CA Magazine
August 2010
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Could do better
Auditors are facing tough questions about their role in the banking crisis, do they simply need to raise their game, or change it altogether?
Small fry or big fish?
Small companies are not the most logical target for HM Revenue & Customs if it is looking to maximise its tax take
Climate change?
Business can’t afford to ignore the sustainability agenda, even in the so-called ‘age of austerity’
Black holes and crude oil
Angus McCrone looks at the disturbing implications of BP’s oil spill disaster and argues that catastrophic risk can exist in almost any sector
World of difference
The wealth management panel tackles the tough questions of the day
Dawn of the debt
Will the next phase of the economic crisis leave us with ‘zombie banks’ that stagger on without the financial strength to contribute to growth?
Opportunity or bubble?
Clean technology offers huge potential rewards, but also massive risks for the unwary investor
El Dorado or Darien?
Emerging markets may seem daunting to the UK investor, but we ignore them at our peril