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CA Magazine

Every article from your latest print edition of CA Magazine

January 2011

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Time to go with the flow

Working capital is the fuel that a business needs to grow. CA Magazine, with Barclays Sales Finance, brought together a range of experts from the fields of finance, law and corporate recovery to talk about how businesses can ensure they retain the cashflow they need to survive and thrive

Blessed bonds

Sharia law represents an important opportunity for Scotland’s banking sector and for financing the nation’s infrastructure, argues Anthony Harrington

Interview: Marta Phillips

As chief of The Pensions Advisory Service, Marta Phillips has an important public role, but her involvement with a housing association has also given her a unique perspective, writes Robert Outram

Bells, bubbles and banks

Inflation is rearing its head again and the taxman is after your savings, but CA Magazine’s panel of wealth management experts have plenty of sage advice for difficult times, as Robert Outram reports

New directions for pensions

Patrick Connolly explains the impact of the many changes to the UK’s pensions regime introduced this year by the new administration

No hiding place

HMRC’s tax amnesty offer to British residents with money stashed in the Alpine tax haven of Liechtenstein represents a generous approach that is unlikely to be repeated elsewhere, says Richard Croasdale

Who's got a good deal

CA Magazine’s annual salary survey, in association with recruitment specialists PRG, sheds some interesting light on pay disparities between the sexes, and overall shows a profession working hard and reasonably satisfied with its lot, Robert Outram reports

Settling on a new horizon

Career planning is about timing, and knowing yourself, as much as it is about the job market, reports Richard Croasdale
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