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January 2011

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FRC responds to EC audit reform plans

Watchdog rejects non-audit services ban

FSA clears RBS of ‘wrongdoing’ over crisis

Bad decisions do not add up to misconduct, says regulator

ICAS sets out vision for future of assurance

Institute calls for transparency and accountabiity to "evolve"

Finance Bill 2011 unveiled...

Major changes are afoot

T-Mobile loses VAT case in Europe

Other businesses should check their VAT policies

Scotland Bill signals further fiscal devolution

Holyrood gains new tax varying powers, ability to borrow

Women on board

ICAS sets out concerns over gender quota proposals

AADB investigates auditors of Connaught and iSOFT Group

Disciplinary board scrutinises PwC and RSM Robson Rhodes
Mercia Jan 2011 (link opens in new window)Advertisement