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Global CA Blog


29 Jul 10


“It’s a small world.” Our intrepid CA in Luxembourg considers the inscrutable connections which link him to a cadre of Renaissance geniuses, via the Garche Koeking chess club
26 Apr 10

Accountancy - Colombian style

Ernst & Young's Conor Campbell in Bogotá looks at the development of accounting standards in the South American country
8 Apr 10

It’s Colombia, not Columbia!

There are CAs in almost every major city in the world. Here, Conor Campbell explains how he ended up based in Bogotá, Colombia
31 Mar 10

Celebrating a Week of Scotland in NYC

This year is the 12th annual Tartan Week in New York City, celebrating all things Scottish - just the thing for CAs a long way from home, such as Michelle Muir
8 Mar 10

Banking secrecy - some historical context

A recent article in the popular and widely-read French history magazine, Historia, provides some useful background on the origins of banking secrecy, writes a CA in Luxembourg
21 Jan 10

It’s not all about finance…

Luxembourg’s government set out to counter some of the clichés
22 Dec 09

Principles in action...

A CA in Luxembourg detects an ICAS clarion call in a new code of conduct for investment funds
3 Dec 09

A day to be proud in Dubai

Yesterday was national day in the UAE. Like every such day in every country which takes pride in its existence, the event is marked by a national holiday and the people of the nation take the opportunity to show their pride in their country’s achievements, not least its existence
2 Nov 09

Grand Duchy discovers microfinance

Luxembourg is developing into a centre for microfinance investment vehicles, over 20 of which have been setup in the Grand Duchy, with combined assets of over €1.2bn (£1.1bn)
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