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March 2009

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Rachael Jolley finds a mixed business air travel scene, with falling numbers, intense promotions, a welcome at last for Heathrow’s Terminal 5 and a claim that the airport’s third runway may not be needed for some time

Room for more?

Business tourism in Scotland faces some serious challenges but the sector is well placed to tackle them

Travelling hopefully

Robert Outram reports on the results of CA Magazine’s Business Travel Survey 2009, and finds that despite the hassles there is still a fun side to travel

Forced to a standstill

Severe weather, terrorist attacks or simply a power blackout can lay a business low. Martin Morris reports on how to guard against the threat of a major interruption to operations

More than just money

The Bank of Scotland Finance Director of the Year awards event is among the most prestigious events of its kind. Robert Outram profiles the winners of 2009

Pulling the plug

Trade credit insurance could once be taken for granted as one of the services that oil the wheels of business. Now, as Richard Goslan reports, it is hard to get and that can mean disaster for companies affected

People power

The human side of the business can be just as crucial as looking after the money when times get harder

Liquidity collapse

Business is stymied as banks keep failing to pass on government money. Robert Outram reports on the findings of a CBI survey

Interview: Graham Watson

Graham Watson has made it his mission to promote a nation of winners - in sport and elsewhere in life - through the Winning Scotland Foundation