CA Magazine
Every article from your latest print edition of CA Magazine
March 2009
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Letters: Restoring trust in accounts
My letter in July’s issue (Letters, July 2008) elicited no response, but there is now clearly an upsurge of concern in CA Magazine and elsewhere in the press about our profession's role in this worldwide shambles, despite (or because of in my opinion, by diverting limited resources) Sarbox et al
Movers and shakers
Scott Taylor has become director of corporate finance and advisory services at Aberdeen-headquartered chartered accountants Hall Morrice
Office Auntie
Join the office politics game
Storm over a teacake makes M&S millions
After more than 13 years of legal wrangling, a ruling over the tax status of a chocolate-covered teacake could sound slightly past its sell-by date
Hours poll reveals mean City
Could the four-day week be spreading from the factory floor to the City office? That depends on how many staff would be willing to take up the cost-cutting measure
Facebooked by the taxman
Could HMRC take an interest in your clients’ use of social networking websites such as Facebook as it increases its monitoring of online trading beyond established auction sites like eBay?