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CA Magazine

Every article from your latest print edition of CA Magazine

July 2009

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So, can you tell what it is yet....?

When someone dismisses an idea as something “drawn up on the back on a envelope” they may be missing the point. US business writer and management consultant Dan Roam says we should be using pictures more to guide our thinking, ?nd creative solutions and sell our ideas to colleagues and clients

Stand up if you think you're funny...!

A bunch of accountants in the States are keen to prove that they really can be stand-up comics

Book review

The House of Dimon, Patricia Crisafulli (Wiley, £14.99)

Letters: Raising standards

I read with interest the President’s Comment (“Tone at the top”, CA Magazine June 2009) where ICAS president Douglas Nisbet argued that all company directors should adhere to strict guidelines on ethical behaviour
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