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July 2009

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Staff to pay price for non-compliance

This has undoubtedly been a challenging year already for senior officers of large businesses. As well as having to contend with the ongoing impact of the recession, the Budget delivered measures to make them personally accountable to HMRC

Reassessing staff share incentives

The UK's highest earners have now had two months to digest the impact on their pocket following the introduction of a top tax rate of 50 per cent and reduction in their basic personal allowance

Foreign affairs

Taxation of foreign profits to be reformed

Avoid being left in hot water

SMEs can ease the impact on tax bills with decisive action

Friesian farm rents

Unfortunately, beyond the farm gate no one much cares about land rentals and VAT

Going concerns

A new FRC exposure draft has brought together the latest thinking on assessment of going concern and evaluating the scope of disclosures

Guide for audit firms on transparency reports

The Professional Oversight Board has published guidance material for those audit firms required to publish a statutory Transparency Report in 2009

OSCR launches monitoring of cross-border charities

The monitoring of cross-border charities commenced last month

Rates cut

The Financial Reporting Council has announced that its levy rates will not be quite as high as outlined in its consultation paper published in December

Public sector standards body focuses on financial instruments

The IPSASB of IFAC has reaffirmed its commitment to its global convergence programme and the development of standards dealing with financial instruments

What now for agency workers?

Kim Pattullo looks at the implications of a compromise deal to put agency workers’ rights on a level footing with those of their permanently employed colleagues

Radical rethink needed on auto enrolment rules

The National Association of Pension Funds has criticised proposed rules for pensions auto-enrolment as “inflexible, bureaucratic and costly to both implement and run” in its response to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) consultation on the rules of how automatic enrolment for employees in workplace pension schemes will work after its introduction in 2012

Changes mooted for generic actuarial standards on data and modelling

As part of its project to develop new actuarial standards, the Board for Actuarial Standards has published exposure drafts of standards on data and modelling

FRC marks progress on promoting choice in the UK audit market

The Financial Reporting Council has published its Third Progress Report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Market Participants Group and other relevant developments regarding the audit sector

Sales and rent back market for regulation

The Government is introducing secondary legislation to bring sale and rent back agreements within the scope of Financial Services Authority regulation

Changes made to FRS 29

The UK's Accounting Standards Board has issued Amendments to FRS 29 Improving Disclosures about Financial Instruments

A clearer view

The FRC’s paper on reducing complexity articulates a cry from the heart for financial statements that are more straightforward to produce, and easier for users to comprehend. Robert Outram reports on the bid to clear up the tangled mess in financial reporting
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