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Editors Blog : Read CA Mag editor Rob Outram's online diary

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Chief Exec's Blog : Read ICAS Chief Executive Anton Colella's blog

Global CA blog

Global CA : Blogs from ICAS members around the world

Not just a recession, time to press the reset button for business

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Donald Macleod, president and CEO of National Semiconductor, talks about the challenges for his business and how the CA qualification helped him on the path to heading up one of the biggest companies in the US. For our full interview, see February's CA Magazine

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PKF survey: Credit crunch could accelerate move to MDPs

PKF survey: Credit crunch could accelerate move to MDPs

Accounting for the demise of the final salary pension

Accounting for the demise of the final salary pension

James Baird: Market uncertainty shouldn't breed alarm

James Baird: Market uncertainty shouldn't breed alarm

The current economic climate is unprecedented

The current economic climate is unprecedented

Only four or five people fully read company accounts

Only four or five people fully read company accounts

Marie-Louise Carrick: Time to consider your hedging strategy

Marie-Louise Carrick: Time to consider your hedging strategy

Gordon Henry: Property pain will last another two years

Gordon Henry: Property pain will last another two years

Aileen Scott: The challenge of sheltering tax offshore

Aileen Scott: The challenge of sheltering tax offshore

ICAS launches Debt Can Be Dangerous DVD for schools

ICAS launches Debt Can Be Dangerous DVD for schools

Janette Anderson: Crisis brings out true leadership skills

Janette Anderson: Crisis brings out true leadership skills

Don't stick your head in the sand to survive the credit crunch

Don't stick your head in the sand to survive the credit crunch
