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Editors Blog : Read CA Mag editor Rob Outram's online diary

Chief Exec's blog

Chief Exec's Blog : Read ICAS Chief Executive Anton Colella's blog

Global CA blog

Global CA : Blogs from ICAS members around the world

Not just a recession, time to press the reset button for business

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Donald Macleod, president and CEO of National Semiconductor, talks about the challenges for his business and how the CA qualification helped him on the path to heading up one of the biggest companies in the US. For our full interview, see February's CA Magazine

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Overcoming male dominance in the corporate recovery sector

Overcoming male dominance in the corporate recovery sector

Now more than ever you need to make time for the golf course

Now more than ever you need to make time for the golf course

Credit crunch puts football clubs under increased pressure

Credit crunch puts football clubs under increased pressure

CA Conference offers unprecedented line-up of speakers

CA Conference offers unprecedented line-up of speakers

Bankruptcy figures are bad, and will get even worse

Bankruptcy figures are bad, and will get even worse
